Full NFT Auction, Tutorial.

Full NFT Auction, Tutorial.


30 min read


Implementing an NFT auction with REACH on Algorand and Ethereum.


Welcome to our tutorial on deploying an NFT auction on the blockchain. This tutorial will walk you through the process of setting up an NFT auction on the blockchain. We will cover the basics of setting up a smart contract, deploying it to the blockchain, and interacting with it to auction off an NFT. By the end of this tutorial, you should have a good understanding of how to deploy an NFT auction on the blockchain. This tutorial will cover the following topics:

  1. Common Terminologies.

  2. Project Initialization.

  3. Deploying the Backend and the Frontend.

  4. Test the DApp to ensure it works as intended.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial!

In this tutorial, we will introduce the NFT auction tutorial and the reach programming language.

Here are some of the key concepts that will appear throughout the tutorial:

What is Reach Programming Language

The reach programming language is a language specifically designed for writing smart contracts on the blockchain. It is a statically typed, functional programming language that can be used on multiple blockchains with a focus on safety and security.

  1. Common Terminologies

    What is an auction?

    An auction is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder.

    What is an NFT?

    AN NFT is a non-fungible token. This means that each NFT is unique and not interchangeable with any other NFT.

    What is a DApp?

    A DApp is a type of decentralized application that is governed by a set of rules encoded on the blockchain.

    What is a smart contract?

    A smart contract is a computer program that runs on the blockchain and automatically executes transactions when certain conditions are met.

    What is a token?

    A token is a digital asset that is used to represent a stake in a decentralized application. Tokens can be used to purchase goods and services, or to participate in governance.

    What is a blockchain?

    A blockchain is a distributed database that is used to store data in a secure and tamper-proof way. Blockchains are used to power decentralized applications.

  2. Project Initialization

    • Prerequisites

      For a quick set up, it is easier to install Reach on Linux or MacOS. However, you can run a windows subsystem for linux on a windows machine.

      Once you have :

    • Initialization

      If it's successful, you can now run :

        ./reach init

      to initialize your project.

      Reach init will create an index.mjs and index.rsh file to your project.

      This is how the directory looks:


      We're good to go.

  3. Deploying the Backend and the Frontend

    1. Walk Through

      Since we are deploying an NFT auction, we will need an NFT, in reality, we only need an NFT ID and query the blockchain for the NFT. Don't worry, all we need to do is to provide an NFT ID, an NFT price and a duration, then, reach takes care of the rest.

      1. A Auctioneer will initialize a contract and provide three variables:

        • AN NFT Token[nftId].

        • An initial bid[minBid].

        • A time limit[lenInBlocks].

      2. Once these variables are provided, the Auctioneer will then publish the contract onto the blockchain.

      3. Thereafter, a Bidder will be able to connect to the contract and view the nftId, minBid, and lenInBlocks.

      4. If the Bidder accepts the wager, the Bidder will place a bid and call the backend.

      5. The auction will continue until time-lapse hits.

      6. At timeout :

        • The winner will receive the NFT.

        • The Auctioneer will receive the highest bid.

        • All Bidders who lost the auction will receive their funds back.

        NOTE :

        The Auctioneer is anyone who deploys the contract. The Auctioneer is a participant class that can take any acceptable variable name.

    2. Implementing the Backend

      The backend contains .rsh files. This is where all the reach code will go. We will go through adding code to the .rsh file. This will be our backend. We will also show how to integrate the backend and the frontend.

      1. Adding Reach Expressions.

        Here we are going to add the various reach initialization options.

        • Creating a Reach App

          Reach.App will contain all the code that we will need to create our contract.

          Let's add this into an index.rsh file. ```javascript 'reach 0.1';

          export const main = Reach.App(() => {



          init(); ``` Let's go through the code to see what is happening.

          • reach 0.1; indicates that this is a Reach program. You'll always have this at the top of every program.

          • export const main defines the main export from the program. When you compile, this is what the compiler will look at.

          • init() marks the deployment of the Reach program, which allows the program to start doing things.

        • Adding a Participant

          A Participant is a logical actor who takes part in a DApp and is associated with an account on the consensus network.

          A Participant is a class that represent an account connected to the contract as well as a user connected to the frontend.

          This means that all functions that will be included in the participant class will have counterparts in the frontend that fulfill the corresponding backend function in the frontend.

            const Auctioneer = Participant('Auctioneer', {
                    //Implement Auctioneer interact interface here.

          In this instance :

          • We are creating a Participant class called Auctioneer.
          • The Auctioneer will be the deployer of the contract onto the blockchain.

            Adding it all to index.rsh

            Let's add what we have so far into index.rsh.

            'reach 0.1';
            export const main = Reach.App(() => {
              // Add Auctioneer.
              const Auctioneer = Participant('Auctioneer', {
                  //Implement Auctioneer interact interface here.

            Note that functions added onto the Participant can only be called by the backend.

        • Adding a Participant Interface.

          In the next step, we'll add the auctioneer interface that will interact with the frontend.

          • In order to implement the Auction the Auctioneer will have to provide the following:

            • AN NFT token to be auctioned.
            • A starting price for the auction.
            • A duration for the auction.

            Once the Auctioneer provides this information, any Bidder can view the deployed contract on the blockchain.

            Let's add a function getSale in index.rsh that does just that.

            Step 1. The Auctioneer will be responsible for providing NFT data from the frontend. So let's add this function to the Creators interface and call it getSale().

            // Add getSale function.
            getSale: Fun([], Object({
              nftId: Token,
              minBid: UInt,
              lenInBlocks: UInt,

            Let's decipher the getSale() function:

          • Fun([], UInt) is a Reach function that takes no arguments and returns a UInt.

          • Object({nftId: Token,minBid: UInt,lenInBlocks: UInt,}) is a Reach object that has the following properties:

          • nftId is Type token.

          • minBid is Type UInt.
          • lenInBlocks is Type UInt.

            Therefore, the getSale() function will be called by the backend, and it will expect the frontend to return an Object with the following properties:

            • nftId.
            • minBid.
            • lenInBlocks.

            Step 2. Once the contract has been published onto the blockchain, we will need to notify the Auctioneer's frontend that the auction is ready to be deployed.

            // Add auctionReady function.
            auctionReady: Fun([], Null)

            Step 3. We also need to allow the Auctioneer to see each bid in the auction.

            SeeBid sends a Bidder.Address and the latest bid UInt to the frontend.

            // Add seeBid function.
            seeBid: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

            Step 4. Finally, we will also allow the auctioneer to see the outcome of the auction.

            // Add showOutcome function.
            seeOutcome: Fun([], Object({
              winner: Address,
              bid: UInt,

            SeeOutcome sends the winner Address and the bid UInt to the frontend.

            Adding it all to index.rsh


            Let's add this function into the index.rsh file.

            'reach 0.1';
            export const main = Reach.App(() => {
              // Deployer of the contract.
              const Auctioneer = Participant('Auctioneer', {
                  // Add getSale function.
                  getSale: Fun([], Object({
                      nftId: Token,
                      minBid: UInt,
                      lenInBlocks: UInt,
                  // Add auctionReady function.
                  auctionReady: Fun([], Null),
                  // Add seeBid function.
                  seeBid: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),
                  // Add showOutcome function.
                  showOutcome: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

          NOTE :

          For each function (getSale, auctionReady, seeBid, showOutcome) there will be a corresponding function in the frontend which we will implement later in the tutorial.

        - #### Adding a [`Bidder` Interface]().

            The `Bidder` is an [API](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/appinit/#rsh_API) that allows the frontend to interact with the backend.

            The difference between a reach `api` and a reach `participant` is that an `api` can be called from the frontend.

            > This is how the function looks.

            // Add this function to the Bidder interface.

            bid: Fun([UInt], Tuple(UInt,Address, UInt)),

            Let's break down the `bid()` function:
            - It takes in a `[UInt]` from the frontend, which is the bid amount.
            - It returns a `Tuple(UInt,Address, UInt)` from the backend, which we will implement later.

        #### [Adding it all into `index.rsh`]()

        Adding the participant interface and bidder interface into the contract.


        'reach 0.1';

        export const main = Reach.App(() => {

            // Deployer of the contract.
            const Auctioneer = Participant('Auctioneer', {
                //getSale function.
                getSale: Fun([], Object({
                    nftId: Token,
                    minBid: UInt,
                    lenInBlocks: UInt,
                //auctionReady function.
                auctionReady: Fun([], Null),

                //seeBid function.
                seeBid: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

                //showOutcome function.
                showOutcome: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

            // Any subsequent bidder.
            const Bidder = API('Bidder', {
                //Bidder interface.
                bid: Fun([UInt], Tuple(UInt,Address, UInt)),


    2. ### Working with [Reach Steps](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/step/).

        - #### [Local Step](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/local/)

            A local step refers to an action taken by a single `Participant` outside the blockchain.

            Each reach program is in a [local step](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/local/) after `initialization`.

            Local steps are private and localized to a particular user. Thus, all functions that require increased security are called from the local step.

            Since we are building an NFT-auction, we need an NFT to be auctioned. 

            As described in the beginning, we will need:

            - Nft Id
            - Nft price
            - Auction duration

            All this information will be provided by the `Auctioneer` `Participant`. To make sure that the `Auctioneer` is the only one who can provide this information, we will use a `Local Step` to do so.

            `Reach` provides us with an [`only`](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/step/#ref-programs-only-step) method that we can use to do so.

            Auctioneer.only(() => {
                const {nftId, minBid, lenInBlocks} = declassify(interact.getSale());

            Let's break it down:
            - `Auctioneer.only(() => {...})` is a `Local Step` that only allows the `Auctioneer` to access the `getSale()` function we created above.

            - `{nftId, minBid, lenInBlocks}` is the declassified `Object` that is returned from the `getSale()` function.

            - The [declassify](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/local/#declassify) function makes the return value known.

            - The [interact](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/local/#interact) function notifies the frontend and awaits for a response.

            Now that we have the `nftId`, `minBid`, and `lenInBlocks`, we can publish this information onto the contract.

            #### [Let's add this to `index.rsh`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/backend/4.AddingALocalStep/index.rsh).

            'reach 0.1';

            export const main = Reach.App(() => {

                // Deployer of the contract.
                const Auctioneer = Participant('Auctioneer', {
                    //getSale function.
                    getSale: Fun([], Object({
                        nftId: Token,
                        minBid: UInt,
                        lenInBlocks: UInt,
                    //auctionReady function.
                    auctionReady: Fun([], Null),

                    //seeBid function.
                    seeBid: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

                    //showOutcome function.
                    showOutcome: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

                // Any subsequent bidder.
                const Bidder = API('Bidder', {
                    //Bidder interface.
                    bid: Fun([UInt], Tuple(UInt,Address, UInt)),


                // Add declassify function.
                Auctioneer.only(() => {
                    const {nftId, minBid, lenInBlocks} = declassify(interact.getSale());
        - #### [Consensus Step](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/consensus/)

            A consensus steps occurs on the blockchain network for all participants to see.

            After the `init()` reach is always in a `local step`. In order to achieve 
            consensus, we need to call [consensus functions](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/step/#publish---pay---when--and--timeout) :

            - [Publish](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/step/#publish---pay---when--and--timeout) can be used to deploy information to the contract and will push the contract into a consensus state.
            - [Pay](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/step/#publish---pay---when--and--timeout), which is paying fees to the contract will also push the contract into a consensus state.

            Since we now know the `nftId`, `minBid`, and `lenInBlocks`, we can publish this information onto the contract.

            Auctioneer.publish(nftId, minBid, lenInBlocks);

            In order to get back into a local step and allow the Auctioneer to send the NFT into the contract, we will use [`commit`](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/consensus/#rsh_commit) which pushes the reach into a local step.

            We will also specify the number of tokens to send to the contract. We will set the amount to one since it is a unique NFT, then pay it to the contract.

            const amt = 1;


            Auctioneer.pay([[amt, nftId]]);

            Then finally, we will `interact` with the frontend to notify the `Auctioneer` that the auction is ready.

            #### [This is how `index.rsh`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/backend/5.AddingAConsensusStep/index.rsh) looks like.

            'reach 0.1';

            export const main = Reach.App(() => {

                // Deployer of the contract.
                const Auctioneer = Participant('Auctioneer', {
                    //getSale function.
                    getSale: Fun([], Object({
                        nftId: Token,
                        minBid: UInt,
                        lenInBlocks: UInt,
                    //auctionReady function.
                    auctionReady: Fun([], Null),

                    //seeBid function.
                    seeBid: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

                    //showOutcome function.
                    showOutcome: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

                // Any subsequent bidder.
                const Bidder = API('Bidder', {
                    //Bidder interface.
                    bid: Fun([UInt], Tuple(UInt,Address, UInt)),


                //declassify function.
                Auctioneer.only(() => {
                    const {nftId, minBid, lenInBlocks} = declassify(interact.getSale());

                // Add publish contract.
                Auctioneer.publish(nftId, minBid, lenInBlocks);

                // Add NFT amount.
                const amt = 1;

                // Add step into local-step.

                // Add send NFT to contract.
                Auctioneer.pay([[amt, nftId]]);

                // Add notify frontend that contract is ready.
    3. ### [Using Reach Checks](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/compute/#rsh_assert)

        Here we will `assert` that the contract balance and consensus time has changed.

        Reach provides various checks that we can use to check the current state of the contract.

        We can use reach [assert](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/compute/#rsh_assert) to check whether the `amt` we paid above has been reflected.

        assert(balance(nftId) == amt, "balance of NFT is wrong");
        - Here we are using a [balance](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/compute/#rsh_balance) primitive to check the balance of the NFT. if we call `balance()` without a passing a parameter, we will get the balance of the contract.

        Also, we will check the [last consensus time](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/compute/#rsh_lastConsensusTime). Last consensus time checks the last time the contract was in consensus : The last time the contract used a `publish` or `pay` step.

        const lastConsensus = lastConsensusTime();
        - This is how we use the [last consensus time](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/compute/#rsh_lastConsensusTime) primitive to check the last consensus time.

        We can also set the length of the auction by taking the last consensus time and adding lenInBlocks to it.

        const end = lastConsensus + lenInBlocks;
        #### [Adding it all into `index.rsh`]()

        This is how your [`index.rsh`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/backend/6.AddingReachChecks/index.rsh) should look like.

        'reach 0.1';

        export const main = Reach.App(() => {

            // Deployer of the contract.
            const Auctioneer = Participant('Auctioneer', {
                //getSale function.
                getSale: Fun([], Object({
                    nftId: Token,
                    minBid: UInt,
                    lenInBlocks: UInt,
                //auctionReady function.
                auctionReady: Fun([], Null),

                //seeBid function.
                seeBid: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

                //showOutcome function.
                showOutcome: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

            // Any subsequent bidder.
            const Bidder = API('Bidder', {
                //Bidder interface.
                bid: Fun([UInt], Tuple(UInt,Address, UInt)),


            //declassify function.
            Auctioneer.only(() => {
                const {nftId, minBid, lenInBlocks} = declassify(interact.getSale());

            //publish contract.
            Auctioneer.publish(nftId, minBid, lenInBlocks);

            //NFT amount.
            const amt = 1;

            //step into local-step.

            //send NFT to contract.
            Auctioneer.pay([[amt, nftId]]);

            //notify frontend that contract is ready.

            // Add assertion to check NFT balance
            assert(balance(nftId) == amt, "balance of NFT is wrong");

            // Add checkpoint to set last publish time.
            const lastConsensus = lastConsensusTime();

            // Add blocktime to set auction duration.
            const end = lastConsensus + lenInBlocks;

    4. ### [Adding Parallel Reduce](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/consensus/#parallelreduce).

        Here we implement a [parallel reduce](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/consensus/#parallelreduce) to run the auction until auction time runs out.

        The main process in parallel reduce is the while loop which changes state once certain conditions are met. Parallel reduce runs as long as the while condition is true, or the timeout function has clocked out.
        We are using parallel reduce since we are running an auction, and we expect multiple bidders to run at the same time. Parallel reduce runs in consensus and ensures for a fair race where the winner of the auction is the result of the parallel reduce.

        1. All `Bidder`s will be competing against each other to make the highest bid while simultaneously racing against the auction time. 

        2. We will use a `while` loop that keeps the auction active as long as the auction time is not over.

        3. Every time a bidder bids higher than the previous bid price, the previous bidder will be reimbursed.

        4. At the end, the parallel reduce will force a single result.

        Let's see how this will look.

        - #### [Adding parallel reduce]().

            We first create a list that will be used in the parallel reduce.

            const [highestBidder, lastPrice, isFirstBid] = [0, 0, 0];
            - Every round of the loop, we will be checking and setting the highest bid, the highest bidder address and whether it is the first bid.

            > Since the `Auctioneer` will be the first bidder, we will set the `highestBidder` to the `Auctioneer` address. Set the `lastPrice` to the `minBid` and `isFirstBid` to `true`.

            const [highestBidder, lastPrice, isFirstBid] = [Auctioneer, minBid, true];

            > Now let's plug this into the `parallelReduce` function.

            const [highestBidder, lastPrice, isFirstBid] = parallelReduce([Auctioneer, minBid, true])

        - #### [Adding an Invariant](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/consensus/#rsh_parallelReduce.invariant)

            A while loop can execute a block of code as long as a specified condition is true. Thus, the invariant value should be a `true` value that is set at the start of a loop and changes only when the auction is done.

            const [highestBidder, lastPrice, isFirstBid] = parallelReduce([Auctioneer, minBid, true])
                .invariant(balance(nftId) == amt && balance() == (isFirstBid ? 0 : lastPrice))
            - Here, the invariant is true as long as the balance of the NFT is equal to one, thus the contract still holds the NFT.

            - It also checks whether it is the first bid or not. If so then the contract balance is 0, otherwise the contract balance is equal to the last bid price.

        - #### [Using a while loop](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/consensus/#while).

            A while loop will run until the last consensus time is less than the end time.

            const [highestBidder, lastPrice, isFirstBid] = parallelReduce([Auctioneer, minBid, true])
                .invariant(balance(nftId) == amt && balance() == (isFirstBid ? 0 : lastPrice))
                .while(lastConsensusTime() < end)

            While the loop is `true`, let's accept bids. Parallel reduce uses `components` to allow `participants` and `api`'s to individually access functions.

        - #### [Using an `API`](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/consensus/#p_27)

            Here, we use [`.api()`](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/consensus/#p_27) to allow bidders to place bids.

            - An `API_EXPR` is used to access the `Bidder` API `bid` function.

            .api(Bidder.bid ....
            - An [`ASSUME_EXPR`] evaluates a claim that resolves to true.

            ((bid) => { assume(bid > lastPrice, "bid is too low"); }),

            > Here we are testing whether the bid is higher than the last price.

            - `PAY_EXPR` is used to pay the wager to the contract.

            ((bid) => { assume(bid > lastPrice, "bid is too low"); })
            ((bid) => bid),

            - `CONSENSUS_EXPR` is used to update the consensus state of the contract to notify the bidder of the bid.

                ((bid) => { assume(bid > lastPrice, "bid is too low"); }),
                ((bid) => bid),
                ((bid, notify) => {
                    require(bid > lastPrice, "bid is too low");
                    notify([bid,highestBidder, lastPrice]);
                    if ( ! isFirstBid ) {
                    Auctioneer.interact.seeBid(this, bid);
                    return [this, bid, false];

            - Here we are using [require](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/consensus/#rsh_require) to ensure that the bid is higher than the last placed bid.

            - We will `notify` the bidder frontend of the `bid` placed, the `highestBidder` and the `lastPrice`.

            - We are checking if `isFirstBid` is `false`. If it is, we will reimburse the `lastPrice` back to the last bidder.

            - We are also interaction with the `Auctioneer` frontend to notify it of the bid.

            - We finally return the `bidder`, the `bid` and setting `isFirstBid` to false.

        - #### [Setting auction timeout](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/consensus/#rsh_parallelReduce.timeout).

            Reach `timeout` will be called once the auction time reaches. `timeout` takes a parameter `blocktime` and a function once the timeout is reached.


            .timeout(absoluteTime(end), () => {
                return [highestBidder, lastPrice, isFirstBid]; 

            - [absoluteTime](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/compute/#rsh_absoluteTime) gets the absolute time of the blockchain.

            - Once the auction time ends, the `Auctioneer` will `publish` the information onto the blockchain and returns the `highestBidder`, `lastPrice` and `isFirstBid`.

            This is how the full parallel reduce looks.

        - #### [Putting the auction together]().

            const [highestBidder, lastPrice, isFirstBid] = parallelReduce([Auctioneer, minBid, true])
            .invariant(balance(nftId) == amt && balance() == (isFirstBid ? 0 : lastPrice))
            .while(lastConsensusTime() < end)
            ((bid) => { assume(bid > lastPrice, "bid is too low"); }),
            ((bid) => bid),
            ((bid, notify) => {
                require(bid > lastPrice, "bid is too low");
                notify([bid,highestBidder, lastPrice]);
                if ( ! isFirstBid ) {
                Auctioneer.interact.seeBid(this, bid);
                return [this, bid, false];
            ).timeout(absoluteTime(end), () => {
                return [highestBidder, lastPrice, isFirstBid]; 

        #### [Adding it all into `index.rsh`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/backend/7.AddingParallelReduce/index.rsh).

        This is how your [`index.rsh`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/backend/7.AddingParallelReduce/index.rsh) should be looking like.


        'reach 0.1';

        export const main = Reach.App(() => {

            // Deployer of the contract.
            const Auctioneer = Participant('Auctioneer', {
                //getSale function.
                getSale: Fun([], Object({
                    nftId: Token,
                    minBid: UInt,
                    lenInBlocks: UInt,
                //auctionReady function.
                auctionReady: Fun([], Null),

                //seeBid function.
                seeBid: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

                //showOutcome function.
                showOutcome: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

            // Any subsequent bidder.
            const Bidder = API('Bidder', {
                //Bidder interface.
                bid: Fun([UInt], Tuple(UInt,Address, UInt)),


            //declassify function.
            Auctioneer.only(() => {
                const {nftId, minBid, lenInBlocks} = declassify(interact.getSale());

            //publish contract.
            Auctioneer.publish(nftId, minBid, lenInBlocks);

            //NFT amount.
            const amt = 1;

            //step into local-step.

            //send NFT to contract.
            Auctioneer.pay([[amt, nftId]]);

            //notify frontend that contract is ready.

            // assertion to check NFT balance
            assert(balance(nftId) == amt, "balance of NFT is wrong");

            // checkpoint to set last publish time.
            const lastConsensus = lastConsensusTime();

            // blocktime to set auction duration.
            const end = lastConsensus + lenInBlocks;

            // Add parallel reduce
            const [highestBidder, lastPrice, isFirstBid] = parallelReduce([Auctioneer, minBid, true])
            .invariant(balance(nftId) == amt && balance() == (isFirstBid ? 0 : lastPrice))
            .while(lastConsensusTime() < end)
            ((bid) => { assume(bid > lastPrice, "bid is too low"); }),
            ((bid) => bid),
            ((bid, notify) => {
                require(bid > lastPrice, "bid is too low");
                notify([bid,highestBidder, lastPrice]);
                if ( ! isFirstBid ) {
                Auctioneer.interact.seeBid(this, bid);
                return [this, bid, false];
            ).timeout(absoluteTime(end), () => {
                return [highestBidder, lastPrice, isFirstBid]; 

    5. ### [Setting up ownership Transfer](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/consensus/#rsh_transfer)

        Transferring the NFT to the winner of the auction.

        [Transfer](https://docs.reach.sh/rsh/consensus/#transfer) is a consensus step that transfers ownership of contract tokens.

        After the contract has determined the winner of the auction, we transfer the NFT to the winner.

        transfer(amt, nftId).to(highestBidder);

        Then we transfer the highest bid, to the `Auctioneer` of the NFT.

        if ( ! isFirstBid ) { transfer(lastPrice).to(Auctioneer); }
        Finally, we notify the `Auctioneer` frontend of the auction results.

        Auctioneer.interact.showOutcome(highestBidder, lastPrice);
        `commit` back to a local state and `exit` the contract.



### [Here's the complete Backend](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/backend/7.AddingParallelReduce/index.rsh)

This is how your final [`index.rsh`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Full/index.rsh) should be looking like.

'reach 0.1';

export const main = Reach.App(() => {

    // Deployer of the contract.
    const Auctioneer = Participant('Auctioneer', {
        //getSale function.
        getSale: Fun([], Object({
            nftId: Token,
            minBid: UInt,
            lenInBlocks: UInt,
        //auctionReady function.
        auctionReady: Fun([], Null),

        //seeBid function.
        seeBid: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

        //showOutcome function.
        showOutcome: Fun([Address, UInt], Null),

    // Any subsequent bidder.
    const Bidder = API('Bidder', {
        //Bidder interface.
        bid: Fun([UInt], Tuple(UInt,Address, UInt)),


    //declassify function.
    Auctioneer.only(() => {
        const {nftId, minBid, lenInBlocks} = declassify(interact.getSale());

    //publish contract.
    Auctioneer.publish(nftId, minBid, lenInBlocks);

    //NFT amount.
    const amt = 1;

    //step into local-step.

    //send NFT to contract.
    Auctioneer.pay([[amt, nftId]]);

    //notify frontend that contract is ready.

    // assertion to check NFT balance
    assert(balance(nftId) == amt, "balance of NFT is wrong");

    // checkpoint to set last publish time.
    const lastConsensus = lastConsensusTime();

    // blocktime to set auction duration.
    const end = lastConsensus + lenInBlocks;

    // parallel reduce
    const [highestBidder, lastPrice, isFirstBid] = parallelReduce([Auctioneer, minBid, true])
    .invariant(balance(nftId) == amt && balance() == (isFirstBid ? 0 : lastPrice))
    .while(lastConsensusTime() < end)
    ((bid) => { assume(bid > lastPrice, "bid is too low"); }),
    ((bid) => bid),
    ((bid, notify) => {
        require(bid > lastPrice, "bid is too low");
        notify([bid,highestBidder, lastPrice]);
        if ( ! isFirstBid ) {
        Auctioneer.interact.seeBid(this, bid);
        return [this, bid, false];
    ).timeout(absoluteTime(end), () => {
        return [highestBidder, lastPrice, isFirstBid]; 

    // Add Transfer NFT
    transfer(amt, nftId).to(highestBidder);

    // Transfer Amount
    if ( ! isFirstBid ) { transfer(lastPrice).to(Auctioneer); }

    // auctioneer show outcome.
    Auctioneer.interact.showOutcome(highestBidder, lastPrice);

    // step to local-step.

    // exit contract.

3. ## [Implementing the Frontend](#implementing-the-frontend).

    Let's see how we'll connect the backend the frontend.

    1. ### [Importing the dependencies](#importing-dependencies).

        We need to import the [Reach Standard Library](https://docs.reach.sh/frontend/#js_stdlib.withDisconnect) module for JavaScript.

        import { loadStdlib } from '@reach-sh/stdlib';
        > `loadStdlib` is a function that will load the standard library dynamically based on the [`REACH_CONNECTOR_MODE`](https://docs.reach.sh/tool/#cmd_REACH_CONNECTOR_MODE) environment variable.

        > You can also pass in a `REACH_CONNECTOR_MODE` variable directly to `loadStdlib` if you want to override the default.

        // connector can be 'ETH', 'ALGO', or 'CFX'
        const stdlib = await loadStdlib("ALGO");

        We also need to import the backend.

        - Once we run :
        ./reach compile
        Reach will trans pile the `index.rsh` file to `index.main.mjs` and output it to `build/index.main.mjs`. The `index.main.mjs` file will contain all the code we need to interact with our backend contract. We can now import `index.main.mjs` into our application

        import * as backend from './build/index.main.mjs';

        #### [Adding code to `index.mjs`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/frontend/1.ImportingDependencies/index.mjs).

        Let's add what we have done so far into the [`index.mjs`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/frontend/1.ImportingDependencies/index.mjs).

        > This is how it looks.

        // Add Import reach stdlib
        import { loadStdlib } from '@reach-sh/stdlib';

        // Add Import contract backend
        import * as backend from './build/index.main.mjs';

        // Add Load stdlib
        const stdlib = loadStdlib();

    2. ### [Adding a `Auctioneer` `Participant` Test Account](#adding-a-frontend-participant).

        Let's add a test account to our [`index.mjs`]((https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/frontend/2.AddingAParticipantTestAccount/index.mjs)) file.

        We will use reach standard library to create a test account with a starting balance of 100 network tokens.

        //Add generate starting balance
        const startingBalance = stdlib.parseCurrency(100);

        //Add create test account
        const accCreator = await stdlib.newTestAccount(startingBalance);

    3. ### [Creating an NFT with `launchtoken`](https://docs.reach.sh/frontend/#js_launchToken)

        Adding an NFT to our [`index.mjs`]((https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/frontend/3.CreatingANFT/index.mjs)) file.

        If we take a look at `index.rsh` we see that the `Auctioneer`.`getSale` function expects a `nftId`, a `minBid` and `lenInBlocks` as parameters.

        > Reach Standard Library provides a [`launchToken`](https://docs.reach.sh/frontend/#js_launchToken) function that can handle creating a network token.

        const theNFT = await stdlib.launchToken(accCreator, "bumple", "NFT", { supply: 1 });
        Let's decipher the parameters:
        - `Account` = `launchToken` expects the account of the auctioneer of the token. In our instance, `accCreator` is the auctioneer of the token.
        - `name` = `launchToken` expects the name of the token. In our instance, `bumple` is the name of the token.
        - `sym` = `launchToken` expects the symbol of the token. In our instance, `NFT` is the symbol of the token.
        - `opts` = `launchToken` expects an object of options if any. In our instance, `{ supply: 1 }` is the option since we only require unique instance of the NFT.

    4. ### [Connecting the `Auctioneer` `Participant` to the Backend](#connecting-frontend-to-backend).

        Let's see how to connect the `Auctioneer` `Participant` to the backend and add it into our [`index.mjs`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/frontend/4.ConnectingTheCreatorToTheBackend/index.mjs).

        #### Connecting the test account to the backend.

        Now we will connect the test account to the backend.

        // Add connect account to backend contract.
        const ctcCreator = accCreator.contract(backend);
        > `accCreator.contract(backend);` returns a ***Reach Contract*** that contains the contract address.

    5. ### [Connecting to the Interface](#connecting-to-the-interface).

        We can now connect to the backend `Auctioneer` interface with :

        // Add setting up the `Auctioneer` interface.
        await ctcCreator.participants.Auctioneer({
            // Specify Auctioneer interact interface here
        > `await ctcCreator.participants.Auctioneer` will connect the backend `Auctioneer` interface with the `accCreator`.

        > Before we do that, we need to implement the `Auctioneer` interface that we defined in [`index.rsh`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/backend/4.AddingALocalStep/index.rsh).

        - #### Implementing the `getSale` function.

            `getSale` function requires three parameters: `nftId`, `minBid` and `lenInBlocks`.

            // Add NFT params expected by the `getSale` function.
            const nftId = theNFT.id
            const minBid = stdlib.parseCurrency(2);
            let lenInBlocks = 10;
            - We are getting the `nftId` from the NFT we created earlier.
            - The minimum bid is 2 network tokens.
            - The number of blocks before the auction ends is 10.

            // Add putting them in an object.
            const params = { 
            > Since the `getSale` function expects an object, we need to create an object with the parameters.

        - #### Adding `getSale` to the interface.

            Let's add the `params` object to the `Auctioneer` interface.

            // Add setting up the `Auctioneer` interface.
            await ctcCreator.participants.Auctioneer({
                //  Add get sale function.
                getSale: () => {
                    return params;

        - #### Adding `seeBid` function to the frontend.

            Connecting the `Auctioneer` `Participant` to the frontend.

            Ass you recall, the `seeBid` function from the [`backend`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/backend/4.AddingALocalStep/index.rsh) sends an `Address` and a `UInt` to the frontend.

            await ctcCreator.participants.Auctioneer({
                //  Add get sale function.
                getSale: () => {
                    return params;
                //  Add seeBid function.
                seeBid: (who, amt) => {
                    let newBidder = stdlib.formatAddress(who)
                    let newBid = stdlib.formatCurrency(amt)
                    console.log(`Auctioneer saw that ${newBidder} bid ${newBid}.`);

        - #### Adding the `showOutcome` function to the frontend.

            Connecting the `Auctioneer` `Participant` to the frontend.

            The `showOutcome` function will notify the frontend, when the contract is ready to begin the auction.

            await ctcCreator.participants.Auctioneer({
                //  Add get sale function.
                getSale: () => {
                    return params;
                //  Add seeBid function.
                seeBid: (who, amt) => {
                    let newBidder = stdlib.formatAddress(who)
                    let newBid = stdlib.formatCurrency(amt)
                    console.log(`Auctioneer saw that ${newBidder} bid ${newBid}.`);
                //  Add showOutcome function.
                showOutcome: (winner, amt) => {
                    let newWinner = stdlib.formatAddress(winner)
                    let newAmt = stdlib.formatCurrency(amt)
                    console.log(`Auctioneer saw that ${newWinner} won with ${newAmt}`)


        ### [Summing it all up]().

        Adding it all to [`index.mjs`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/frontend/4.ConnectingTheCreatorToTheBackend/index.mjs).

        Adding it all up, this is how the [`index.rhs`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/backend/4.AddingALocalStep/index.rsh) interface looks.

        // Import reach stdlib
        import { loadStdlib } from '@reach-sh/stdlib';

        // Import contract backend
        import * as backend from './build/index.main.mjs';

        // Load stdlib
        const stdlib = loadStdlib();

        // generate starting balance
        const startingBalance = stdlib.parseCurrency(100);

        // create test account
        const accCreator = await stdlib.newTestAccount(startingBalance);

        // NFT asset.
        const theNFT = await stdlib.launchToken(accCreator, "bumple", "NFT", { supply: 1 });

        // Add connect account to backend contract.
        const ctcCreator = accCreator.contract(backend);

        // Add NFT params expected by the `getSale` function.
        const nftId = theNFT.id
        const minBid = stdlib.parseCurrency(2);
        let lenInBlocks = 10;

        // Add putting them in an object.
        const params = { 

        // Add setting up the `Auctioneer` interface.
        await ctcCreator.participants.Auctioneer({
            //  Add get sale function.
            getSale: () => {
                return params;
            //  Add seeBid function.
            seeBid: (who, amt) => {
                let newBidder = stdlib.formatAddress(who)
                let newBid = stdlib.formatCurrency(amt)
                console.log(`Auctioneer saw that ${newBidder} bid ${newBid}.`);
            //  Add showOutcome function.
            showOutcome: (winner, amt) => {
                let newWinner = stdlib.formatAddress(winner)
                let newAmt = stdlib.formatCurrency(amt)
                console.log(`Auctioneer saw that ${newWinner} won with ${newAmt}`)
    6. ### [Adding a `Bidder` Test Account](#adding-a-bidder-test-account).

        This how a bidder test account will look like.

        Let's create a test account for the `Bidder` `api` just as we did with the `Auctioneer`.

        //  Add test currrency.
        const startingBalance = stdlib.parseCurrency(100);
        // create test account
        const accBidder = await stdlib.newTestAccount(startingBalance);

    7. ### [Connecting the `Bidder` `API` to the Backend](#connecting-the-bidder-to-the-backend).

        This is how the `Bidder` will interact with the contract.

        - #### Connecting to the Contract.

            Let's connect the `Bidder` to the backend.

            In order to connect the `Bidder` `API` to the backend, we need to get the contract `address` that was created by the `Auctioneer` :

            // remember this line
            const ctcCreator = accCreator.contract(backend);
            > Reach provides a [`ctc.getInfo`](https://docs.reach.sh/frontend/#js_getInfo) function that returns the contract address.

            const ctc = accBidder.contract(backend, ctcCreator.getInfo());
            - Here we are calling the `accBidder.contract` function and passing the backend and contract address.

        - #### Accepting the token.

            The `Bidder` will have to accept the token in order transact with the contract.

            The `Bidder` must also allow their account to accept the NFT Token.
            Reach provides a [`tokenAccept`](https://docs.reach.sh/frontend/#js_tokenAccepted) function that does just that.

            await acc.tokenAccept(nftId);
            - Here we are calling the `tokenAccept` function and passing the `nftId` of the token.

    8. ### [Adding A Bidder Interface](#adding-a-bidder-interface).

        We are now ready to add a `Bidder` interface to the frontend to test the auction.

        - #### Adding an Auction Function.

            Creating test bidders.

            We are going to put all our `Bidders` into an `async` function and allow each `Bidder` to connect to the backend contract. But before we do that, let's look at how an actor other than the `Auctioneer`/Deployer connects to the backend contract.


            let done = false;
            const bidders = [];
            const startBidders = async () => {
                let bid = minBid;
                const runBidder = async (who) => {
                    const inc = stdlib.parseCurrency(Math.random() * 10);
                    bid = bid.add(inc);

                    const accBidder = await stdlib.newTestAccount(startingBalance);

                    await accBidder.tokenAccept(nftId);
                    bidders.push([who, accBidder]);
                    const ctc = accBidder.contract(backend, ctcCreator.getInfo());
                    const getBal = async () => stdlib.formatCurrency(await stdlib.balanceOf(accBidder));

                    console.log(`${who} decides to bid ${stdlib.formatCurrency(bid)}.`);
                    console.log(`${who} balance before is ${await getBal()}`);
                    try {
                        const [ latestBid,lastBidder, lastBid ] = await ctc.apis.Bidder.bid(bid);
                        console.log(`${who} out bid ${lastBidder} who bid ${stdlib.formatCurrency(lastBid)}. with ${stdlib.formatCurrency(latestBid)}`);
                    } catch (e) {
                        console.log(`${who} failed to bid, because is too high`);
                    console.log(`${who} balance after is ${await getBal()}`);

                await runBidder('Alice');
                await runBidder('Bob');
                await runBidder('Claire');
                while ( ! done ) {
                    await stdlib.wait(1);

            - `let done = false;` will be used to call wait on the contract until the auction is over.

            - `const bidders = [];`

            - `const startBidders` will be called by the Auctioneer once the auction is ready.

            -  `let bid = minBid;`

            - `const runBidder()`

            - `const inc = stdlib.parseCurrency(Math.random() * 10);` uses reach to generate a random number between 0 and 10.

            - `bid = bid.add(inc);` adds the random number to the current bid to create a unique bid for each `Bidder`.

            - `const accBidder = await stdlib.newTestAccount(startingBalance);` creates a new account for the `Bidder`.

            - `accBidder.setDebugLabel(who);` sets the debug label for the `Bidder`, with a unique `Bidder` name.

            - `await accBidder.tokenAccept(nftId);` allows the `Bidder` accepts the NFT from the Auctioneer.

            - `bidders.push([who, accBidder]);` adds the `Bidder` name and `Bidder` account to the `const bidders = [];` array we created.

            - `const ctc = accBidder.contract(backend, ctcCreator.getInfo());` connects the `Bidder` to the contract deployed by the `Auctioneer` by using reach standard library function 
            - `const getBal = async () => stdlib.formatCurrency(await stdlib.balanceOf(accBidder));` gets `Bidder` balance from the `Bidder` account.

            - `console.log("${who} decides to bid ${stdlib.formatCurrency(bid)}.");` prints the `Bidder` name and the bid they are going to make.

            - `console.log("${who} balance before is ${await getBal()}");` prints the `Bidder` name and the balance before the bid.

            - `try {` we will use a try statement because the `backend` `Bidder.bid` function checks whether the bid is larger than the last bid and returns an error if it's not larger.

            > Backend
                assume(bid > lastPrice, "bid is too low");
                require(bid > lastPrice, "bid is too low");
            - `const [ latestBid,lastBidder, lastBid ] = await ctc.apis.Bidder.bid(bid);` calls the `backend` `Bidder.bid` function and `await`s the `latestBid`, `lastBidder`, and the `lastBid` from the backend. 

            > Backend
                ((bid, notify) => {
                    require(bid > lastPrice, "bid is too low");
                    notify([bid,highestBidder, lastPrice]);
                    if ( ! isFirstBid ) {
                    Auctioneer.interact.seeBid(this, bid);
                    return [this, bid, false];
            - `console.log("${who} out bid ${lastBidder} who bid ${stdlib.formatCurrency(lastBid)}.");` prints the `Bidder` name and the `Bidder` name of the last `Bidder` who bid.

            - `console.log("${who} failed to bid, because is too high");`. If the bid is to low, the `try` statement will catch the error from the backend.

            - `console.log("${who} balance after is ${await getBal()}");` prints the `Bidder` name and the balance after the bid.

            To test the auction, let's add three `Bidder`s, **Alice**, **Bob**, and **Claire**.

                await runBidder('Alice');
                await runBidder('Bob');
                await runBidder('Claire');

        - #### Running the Auction

            How will we run the auction?

            Remember the auctioneer interface, we are going to add the `startBidders` function onto the `Auctioneer.auctionReady` function so that once the auction is ready, we can start the auction.

            await ctcCreator.participants.Auctioneer({
                //  Add get sale function.
                getSale: () => {
                    return params;
                //  Add seeBid function.
                seeBid: (who, amt) => {
                    let newBidder = stdlib.formatAddress(who)
                    let newBid = stdlib.formatCurrency(amt)
                    console.log(`Auctioneer saw that ${newBidder} bid ${newBid}.`);
                //  Add showOutcome function.
                showOutcome: (winner, amt) => {
                    let newWinner = stdlib.formatAddress(winner)
                    let newAmt = stdlib.formatCurrency(amt)
                    console.log(`Auctioneer saw that ${newWinner} won with ${newAmt}`)
                //  Add startBidders function.
                auctionReady: () => {
                    console.log("Auctioneer sees that the auction is ready.");

### [Here's the complete Frontend](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/frontend/7.AddingBidderInterface/index.mjs).

Let's add what we have done so far into an [`index.mjs`](https://github.com/BMscis/reach-tutorial/blob/workshop/Documentation/Tutorial/Chapters/frontend/7.AddingBidderInterface/index.mjs).

We have covered alot, but you don't have to understand everything. Let's try to run the auction and see what happens.

// Import reach stdlib
import { loadStdlib } from '@reach-sh/stdlib';

// Import contract backend
import * as backend from './build/index.main.mjs';

// Load stdlib
const stdlib = loadStdlib();

// generate starting balance
const startingBalance = stdlib.parseCurrency(100);

// create test account
const accCreator = await stdlib.newTestAccount(startingBalance);

// NFT asset.
const theNFT = await stdlib.launchToken(accCreator, "bumple", "NFT", { supply: 1 });

// connect account to backend contract.
const ctcCreator = accCreator.contract(backend);

// NFT params expected by the `getSale` function.
const nftId = theNFT.id
const minBid = stdlib.parseCurrency(2);
let lenInBlocks = 10;

// putting them in an object.
const params = { 

// Add Bidder Interface.
let done = false;
const bidders = [];
const startBidders = async () => {
    let bid = minBid;
    const runBidder = async (who) => {
        const inc = stdlib.parseCurrency(Math.random() * 10);
        bid = bid.add(inc);

        const accBidder = await stdlib.newTestAccount(startingBalance);

        await accBidder.tokenAccept(nftId);
        bidders.push([who, accBidder]);
        const ctc = accBidder.contract(backend, ctcCreator.getInfo());
        const getBal = async () => stdlib.formatCurrency(await stdlib.balanceOf(accBidder));

        console.log(`${who} decides to bid ${stdlib.formatCurrency(bid)}.`);
        console.log(`${who} balance before is ${await getBal()}`);
        try {
            const [ latestBid,lastBidder, lastBid ] = await ctc.apis.Bidder.bid(bid);
            console.log(`${who} out bid ${lastBidder} who bid ${stdlib.formatCurrency(lastBid)}. with ${stdlib.formatCurrency(latestBid)}`);
        } catch (e) {
            console.log(`${who} failed to bid, because is too high`);
        console.log(`${who} balance after is ${await getBal()}`);

    await runBidder('Alice');
    await runBidder('Bob');
    await runBidder('Claire');
    while ( ! done ) {
        await stdlib.wait(1);

// setting up the `Auctioneer` interface.
await ctcCreator.participants.Auctioneer({
    //  get sale function.
    getSale: () => {
        return params;
    //  seeBid function.
    seeBid: (who, amt) => {
        let newBidder = stdlib.formatAddress(who)
        let newBid = stdlib.formatCurrency(amt)
        console.log(`Auctioneer saw that ${newBidder} bid ${newBid}.`);
    //  showOutcome function.
    showOutcome: (winner, amt) => {
        let newWinner = stdlib.formatAddress(winner)
        let newAmt = stdlib.formatCurrency(amt)
        console.log(`Auctioneer saw that ${newWinner} won with ${newAmt}`)
    //  Add startBidders function.
    auctionReady: () => {
        console.log("Auctioneer sees that the auction is ready.");

for ( const [who, acc] of bidders ) {
    const [ amt, amtNFT ] = await stdlib.balancesOf(acc, [null, nftId]);
    console.log(`${who} has ${stdlib.formatCurrency(amt)} ${stdlib.standardUnit} and ${amtNFT} of the NFT`);

done = true;
  1. Testing the DApp.

    Now let's try to run the example we have just created and see if it will run successfully.

    While inside the folder you created, try :

         ./reach compile

    This is the expected output.


    You should see a new build/index.main.mjs file. This is the file that will be used by the frontend.

    Next, we'll try to run the DApp with the frontend we created.

         ./reach run


    Congratulations! You have successfully created a DApp NFT auction on Reach.

    If you're looking at a more elaborate implementation of the DApp with a local server, please visit the NFTea Auction.

    Thanks for reading!
